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Class Descriptions

A brief description on each of the classes we have to offer this year at In Sync Dance of Auburn.


Ballet/Contemporary, range 8+ yrs

A class specifically designed for preteen dancers who are interested in learning the basics and advancing their skills in the disciplines of both ballet and contemporary, technically very similar styles. The class will switch off between both styles every other week. This is a great class for students wanting to learn the best of both worlds, focusing on technique and movement as well as freestyle and strength. 



 A class designed for preteen and teen students. Students will focus on contractions, spirals, basic floor work, and elemental concepts of space, time and force. Similar to contemporary, but with less technical aspect and more body awareness and trust. Challenging, yet very pleasing to the audience's eye!

Ballet/Jazz  Combination, age 8+

Students who are starting to advance and become more interested in dance will find this class exciting! Considered a "big kid" combo class, the dancers will be instructed an hour of each discipline on alternating weeks; one week the class will be a full hour of ballet, the following week an hour of jazz will be taught. This will allow more serious, younger dancers interested in pursuing Company-level instruction in the near future to better prepare in more than one discipline, all in one class!

Beginning/Intermediate Lyrical and Contemporary

Exploring the differences between Modern and Contemporary. Use of floor work, bent legs and flexed feet, physical movements such as rising and falling to the floor, contact and release, and improvisation. Introduces the “abstract” approach of Modern, with its lack of technique, yet stemming from the core and using muscle control to demonstrate post-modern movement, such as seen on the popular television series “So You Think You Can Dance”. Also using the technical approach of Contemporary, which stems from all forms of dance, including ballet, jazz, and hip hop.

Intro to Dance, range from 3-4 yrs

30 minutes of creative movement, involving ballet and tap. Children explore space, body locomotion and body part differentiation, simple rhythms and qualities. At first, children learn self-control, body awareness, class structure, tempo and size of movement. An introduction to dance with engaging music and fun props that will help the dancer’s imagination and creativity grow!

Ballet/Jazz/Tap Combination, range from 4-7 yrs

Similar to the 60 minute ballet/tap combination class, yet the 3 disciplines of ballet, jazz and tap are introduced. 30 minutes of ballet and 30 minutes of tap and jazz (switching off weekly) will prepare a dancer who wants to excel in all areas of dance, and opens them to several options for years to come.

Beginning Ballet, range from 7-12 yrs (permission class)

A 60 minute class that is designed for the dancer at the beginning to intermediate level in ballet. Dancers will receive an introduction and overview of the ballet technique and terminology. Dancers will learn correct body alignment and posture and work on increased flexibility and range of motion through basic barre work and center exercises. No audition required, but class evaluation and/or conversation with staff before attending a trial class required.

Beginning/Intermediate Tap

A 60 minute class that is designed for the dancer who is new to tap. Dancers will receive an introduction and overview of tap technique and terminology. Dancers will learn basic steps and develop skills in rhythm and syncopation.

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Turns and Leaps

A 60 minute class that is designed for the intermediate to advanced dancer, permission required. Dancers work solely on technique to improve turns and leaps in all disciplines of dance. Geared towards Company Dancers or those wishing to advance into Company.

Hip Hop, range from 6-10 yrs and 10+ yrs

A high-energy class that uses the latest sounds in rap, R&B and pop music together with movements influenced by some of today’s hottest video choreographers. Hip Hop encompasses movement that has elements of poppin’, locking, and breaking as well as freestyle movement to give students the opportunity to develop their own sense of style. Hip Hop is urban, it’s street, it’s diverse and forever changing. The classes are broken down by age and by level.


This class begins with a full body warm up using breath and concentrating on releasing tension and gaining mobility. The following series of exercises focus on strong placement and classical technique that support a contemporary style balancing lyricism, fluidity, and athleticism. The class culminates in longer across the floor phrases and combinations that utilize the strength, body awareness, and the stylistic sensibility built up throughout the class. The dancers preview and learn basics from a variety of different modern dance techniques.

Stretch and Conditioning, required for Senior and Elite Company dancers, open to all

This class is for dancer and non-dancer alike. The goal is to dramatically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. It builds strength without excess bulk, creating a sleek, toned body with slender thighs and a flat abdomen. It teaches body awareness, good posture and easy, graceful movement. This 60 minute class improves flexibility, agility and range of motion.

Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced/Pro Ballet Technique, permission/audition required

Ballet Beginning through Ballet Advanced/Pro provides the core of ballet training for all students learning to dance. Each level is designed to provide an increase in a dancer’s challenges, and represents the progression in a dancer’s achievements and commitment to dance. All levels emphasize correct postural alignment, principals of turn out, balance, control and barre and center exercises that become more complex and challenging at each level. The principles taught in each level build upon one another to create a solid foundation for technical strength and proficiency. Required for Company technique requirement.

Jazz Technique, permission/audition required

A more complex and difficult version of our other recreational classes offered. Required for Company technique requirement, but can be taken by any recreational students prepared for the class. 

Tap Technique, permission/audition required

A more complex and difficult version of our other tap recreational classes offered. Part of the Company technique requirement, but can be taken by any recreational students prepared for the class. 


Intro to Pointe, permission/audition required, 10+

This class is specifically geared towards dancers striving to one day be en Pointe. Main focus includes core and leg stability, ankle and foot strength, alignment, and gaining maturity in listening/prepping the body for pointe work. Welcome to dancers who want to work on pre-pointe basics on flat, even if already en Pointe. Demi pointe shoes are not required.

Pointe, permission/audition required, 12+

Dancing en pointe is the act of standing on the tips of the toes while performing steps from ballet. Also known as pointe work, it is performed using hard–toed and stiff-shanked pointe shoes. Dancing en pointe requires strength and skill, so prior permission from instructor, as well as permission from your doctor, is required before students begin taking pointe classes. Dancers may begin training for pointe around the age of 10, depending on ability and discipline, by attending pointe classes and adapting to a "pre-pointe" instruction. Dancers must be at least 12 years of age to be considered for pointe.

Junior, Senior and Elite Company Classes, permission/audition required

Choreography classes for students whom belong to the specific Company levels and disciplines they auditioned for. Please see “Company Dance” for more information on what it takes to become a company performer.

Contact Information

4055 Grass Valley Highway

Suite #103

(530) 823-6782

Studio Hours

Monday 3:30PM - 8:30PM

Tuesday - Thursday 4:00PM - 8:30PM

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In Sync Dance of Auburn


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